areas of expertise

As an Consultant Ophthalmic Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgeon, Miss Mellington is a trained eye doctor with a specialist interest in diseases of the eyelids, tear drainage (lacrimal) system and eye socket (orbit).  Her areas of expertise are shown below.

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General Ophthalmology

Full name

As a fully qualified Consultant Ophthalmologist whose NHS practice is based at The Birmingham Midland Eye Centre (BMEC), the second largest eye centre in Europe, Miss Mellington also sees general ophthalmology cases such as reduced vision, cataracts, dry eyes, red and sore eyes, and undertakes cataract surgery.

Areas of expertise

Cataract surgery
Dry eyes


"Thank you for your kind help and teaching. I would not have passed the OSCE and viva without you." LJ, junior doctor

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