Patient Care

Miss Mellington understands that choosing to have surgery is a big decision. She will listen to your concerns, examine you and discuss treatment options with you, to help you to make an informed decision about your ongoing care.

The Procedure

Full name

On the day of surgery you will see Miss Mellington and, if you are having a general anaesthetic or sedation, the Consultant Anaesthetist. They will confirm your consent for the procedure. The team of specialist nurses will carefully record your baseline observations such as blood pressure and temperature, and help you to prepare for surgery.  After your procedure, a nurse will collect you and escort you back to your room on the specialist ward.

Just as we endeavour to ensure you are fully prepared for surgery, we also want you to feel reassured and supported afterwards. We keep in close contact with you and encourage you to telephone or email us if you are worried at any stage.

Going home after your surgery

You should also arrange for somebody to accompany you home after your surgery even you have had a day case procedure.
We would not recommend travelling home by public transport after your procedure. You should not drive yourself.
After procedures requiring sedation or general anaesthetic, someone should stay with you the night after discharge from hospital.

Download the 'Preparing for Surgery' patient information leaflet



“Many thanks for taking care of me.” HL

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