areas of expertise

As an Consultant Ophthalmic Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgeon, Miss Mellington is a trained eye doctor with a specialist interest in diseases of the eyelids, tear drainage (lacrimal) system and eye socket (orbit).  Her areas of expertise are shown below.

Many of the articles in this section offer patient information leaflets for you to download and print.

Eyelid tumours (skin cancer)

Full name

Eyelid cysts, lumps, bumps and tumours

The eyelids contain a number of structures and different cell types such that a wide variety of lumps and bumps can arise in this area. These lesions may cause a variety of symptoms from being unsightly to redness, tenderness, itching, and bleeding. Miss Mellington will assess the lesion and advise on treatment accordingly. 

A number of cysts may occur in the eyelids and periocular area.  These include for example, styes, chalazia, and cysts of Zeiss and Moll, which arise from the glands of Moll associated with the eyelash follicles. Similar lesions may arise from the sweat glands of the skin.

Other lesions of the eyelids include viral lesions (molluscum contaginosum) and yellowish lipid depositions (xanthelasma).

Eyelid lumps and bumps may be benign or malignant, and a biopsy may be required to definitively exclude a cancerous tumour.

Miss Mellington may recommend removing the lesion (including a biopsy) following by repair and reconstruction of the tissue defect. As an Oculoplastic surgeon, she is trained in the diagnosis and management of lesions of the eyelid and periocular area. She will tailor the excision and reconstruction to each individual with a view to restoring the structure, function and appearance of the eyelids.

Please click on the links below for patient information leaflets which are available for you to download and print. 

Eyelid cysts 

Eyelid tumours patient information leaflet

"With gratitude and kindness. Thank you for changing my life." BR, after ocular surgery.

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