areas of expertise

As an Consultant Ophthalmic Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgeon, Miss Mellington is a trained eye doctor with a specialist interest in diseases of the eyelids, tear drainage (lacrimal) system and eye socket (orbit).  Her areas of expertise are shown below.

Many of the articles in this section offer patient information leaflets for you to download and print.

Facial rejuvenation

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The key trend in cosmetic facial care for 2019 is the skin. Skin health is at the forefront of aesthetic medicine. When the skin is healthier and it glows, patients feel happier and start to get more compliments from friends and family about how well they look.

Aesthetics is all about wellness.

As we have seen from the new celebration of no-make-up filters and make-up free selfies posted on social media sites, celebrities such as Cameron Diaz are tiring of the made-up look and opting for a more natural, radiant and healthy look. This is one of the key trends of 2018.

Clinical interventions to counteract the visible signs of ageing, which cannot be addressed by non-medical grade skin care and make-up, are becoming increasing popular.

A number of treatments may be recommended in order to achieve a refreshed look:

Prescribed medical-grade skin care with active ingredients, which change the structure and function of the skin, rather than so-called ‘pampering’ over-the-counter skin care

Skin boosters (hyaluronic acid injections), which are used to treat acne scarring, ageing skin, dull tired skin. They stimulate collagen and elastin production in the skin, improving skin hydration and glow. Optimal skin care forms the foundation upon which other minimally invasive and invasive procedures are based.

Anti-wrinkle treatments (Botox injections). For the treatment of dynamic wrinkles, I favour the relatively newer technique of multi-mini Botox (M-M BTX). This aims to achieve a more natural result with a reduction in wrinkles without impairment of expression by using multiple smaller doses of botulinum toxin (Botox) in a more tailored fashion.

Dermal/soft tissue fillers to restore volume to the face. Soft tissue fillers are used to correct losses in facial volume that may occur as part of natural ageing as well as following trauma. They may also add volume to thin lips.

Chemical peels to improve the radiance and smoothness of the skin and reduce uneven pigmentation

Non-surgical blepharoplasty

Surgery: blepharoplasty (for eyelid bags or hooding), saggy eyelid surgery (including ectropion and entropion surgery), eyelid lift (for droopy eyelid repair), eyebrow lift

“I would like to say thank you for everything you did for me…you did a wonderful job on my eye…” MG

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